How to Care for Your Baby’s Cot Mattress: A Comprehensive Guide

March 9, 2023

As a parent, you want to ensure that your little one gets the best possible sleep, which is why choosing the right cot mattress is so important. But taking care of the mattress is just as important for cleanliness and safety. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about cot mattress care and safety, from choosing the right mattress to keeping it clean and safe for your baby.

Choosing the Right Cot Mattress

A good cot mattress is essential for your baby’s comfort and safety, and there are a few factors to consider when making your selection:

Importance of a Durable and Supportive Mattress

A good mattress is crucial for your baby’s body support and healthy growth, providing a comfortable and safe place to sleep and to prevent SIDS

Factors to Consider when Choosing a Cot Mattress

Size: Cot mattresses come in different sizes, so it’s essential to choose one that fits perfectly in your cot or cotbed.
Comfort: Look for organic coir and natural fibres like wool, cotton, or bamboo. These materials are soft on a baby’s skin and breathe well, allowing for the best airflow.
Support: A mattress that offers firm support is crucial for promoting safe sleeping, and it’s always best to choose one with a good quality foam, coil springs, or natural fibres.
Care Instructions: When choosing a cot mattress, make sure to read and follow the care instructions carefully, particularly if it has a removable and washable cover.

NHS Guidelines for Cot Mattresses

  • The NHS recommends using a new cot mattress for each baby, and if a second-hand mattress is used, it must be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. It is important that the mattress is firm, flat, and waterproof.

Caring for Your Cot Mattress

Proper care of your cot mattress is crucial for both hygiene and safety reasons. Here are some essential tips to help you care for your cot mattress:

Flipping and Rotating the Mattress 180º

Flipping and rotating your mattress often helps distribute body weight evenly and prevents sagging or uneven wear, which helps the mattress last longer.

Allowing the Mattress to Breathe

Allowing your mattress to breathe by removing any covers or bedding during the day helps to improve air circulation and prevent mould growth.

Protecting the Mattress with a Waterproof Cover

Using a waterproof cover protects the mattress from spills, leaks, and accidents and helps to keep it clean and hygienic.

Removing and Washing the Mattress Cover

Follow the care instructions carefully to remove and wash the mattress cover safely.

Refitting the Cover after Washing

Before putting the cover back on after washing, make sure it is completely dry and that there are no wrinkles or bunching that could cause pressure points.

Replacing the Mattress Cover

Having a spare mattress cover on hand is a good idea in case of emergencies or accidents.

Vacuuming and Spot Cleaning the Mattress

Regularly vacuuming the mattress helps to remove any dust or debris, and spot cleaning any stains or spills with a damp cloth and mild detergent helps to keep it clean and hygienic. Check the manufacturer’s instructions on what detergents are ok to use.

Avoiding Dry Cleaning

Avoid dry cleaning, which can damage natural fibres and leave harmful chemicals behind.

Safety Tips for Cot Mattresses

Ensuring a safe sleeping environment is essential for your baby’s well-being. Here are some key safety tips to keep in mind when it comes to cot mattress safety:

It’s recommended to use a new cot mattress for each baby, and if a second-hand mattress is used, it must be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.

The Role of The Lullaby Trust and NHS in Cot Mattress Safety

The Lullaby Trust and NHS provide expert advice on safe sleeping and cot mattress safety, so make sure you’re familiar with their guidelines and recommendations. These are the experts on these matters.


Ensuring that your baby gets a comfortable and safe night’s sleep is a top priority for every parent, and choosing and caring for the right cot mattress is crucial for this. By picking a mattress that is sturdy and supportive, following the care instructions, and keeping the mattress clean and safe, you can make a comfortable and healthy place for your child to sleep.

Our website offers a range of cot mattresses in different sizes and materials, along with expert advice and tips on care and safety. With natural fibres, firm support, and waterproof covers, these mattresses are designed to provide your baby with a comfortable and safe sleeping environment. And with our tips and guidelines for proper care and safety, you can rest assured that you’re making the best choice for your baby’s sleep.


      Kids Beds UK