How We Test

Our Mission

At Kids Beds UK, our goal is to guide you to the best children’s beds and mattresses for your little one’s comfort, safety, and your peace of mind. We understand that choosing the right bed or mattress can significantly impact your child’s sleep quality and overall development.

How We Conduct Our Reviews

Category Key Points
Scouring the Web for Reviews
  • Comprehensive Online Research: Gathering reviews from various sources for a broad range of opinions.
  • Balancing Opinions: Analyzing both positive and negative reviews to identify product strengths and weaknesses.
  • Score Compilation: Compiling a score that reflects the consensus from users and expert reviews.
Our Hands-on Experience
  • Personal Testing: Direct product testing for honest and detailed reviews.
  • Disclosure: Transparently disclosing any products tested personally in our articles.
Market Research
  • Reaching Out to Real Customers: Conducting market research with actual product users.
  • Unbiased Feedback: Focusing on genuine, unbiased customer reviews for reliable information.

Scouring the Web for Reviews

Comprehensive Online Research: We diligently search the internet to gather reviews from various sources, ensuring a wide spectrum of opinions is considered.

Balancing Opinions: We pay close attention to both positive and negative reviews, seeking patterns and common themes. This helps us understand the strengths and weaknesses of each product.

Score Compilation: Based on our extensive research, we compile a score for each product. This score reflects the general consensus from various users and expert reviews.

Our Hands-on Experience

  1. Personal Testing: Whenever possible, we personally test products. This direct experience allows us to give you an honest and detailed review.
  2. Disclosure: We believe in transparency. For products we’ve tested ourselves, we clearly disclose this in our articles.

Market Research

  1. Reaching Out to Real Customers: We conduct market research by connecting with customers who have purchased and used the products.
  2. Unbiased Feedback: Our focus is on gathering genuine, unbiased reviews to provide you with the most reliable information.

Seeking Manufacturer Participation

  • Call for Samples: While our resources don’t allow us to test every product, we invite manufacturers to send us samples. We aim to expand our hands-on review segment through this collaboration.
  • Giveaways of Test Products: Any samples received will not be kept for personal use. Instead, with the manufacturer’s agreement, we plan to offer these as giveaways to our audience, further engaging our community.

Help Us

  • Manufacturer Outreach Page: If you have a product page you would like us to take a look at please reach out to us. We would love to enhance our ability to test more products first-hand.
  • Community Testing Initiative: If you would like to participate in product testing, please get in touch. We love fostering a community-driven approach to our reviews.

Price and Quality Considerations in Our Reviews

Value for Money

  • Comprehensive Value Assessment: In todays current climate we recognize that price is a significant factor for many families. Our reviews go beyond the surface, evaluating not just the product quality but also its affordability and overall value for money.

Comparative Analysis

  • In-Depth Comparisons: We compare prices across different products, taking into account features, quality, and additional factors like safety and sustainability, to help you make a well-rounded decision that aligns with your budget and values.

Editorial Independence

  • Unbiased Content: Our use of affiliate links does not sway our review process. We maintain complete editorial independence, ensuring our reviews are unbiased and focused solely on product quality, performance, and additional critical factors.


  • Open Disclosure: We are transparent about our use of affiliate links. Any revenue generated supports our website and helps us enhance the quality and breadth of our content.

Our Ranking Methodology

Holistic Assessment

  • Diverse Criteria: Each product is assessed based on a combination of factors, including quality, comfort, durability, user feedback, price, safety standards, and sustainability practices.
  • Safety and Sustainability: We place a high emphasis on the safety of the products for children and their environmental impact, ensuring the recommendations we make are responsible and conscientious.

No Single-Company Sponsorship

  • Impartial Reviews: Our independence from single-company sponsorship allows us to maintain impartiality and fairness in our reviews.

Incorporating Diverse Feedback

  • Wide-Ranging Insights: Our reviews integrate insights from various sources – including online reviews, personal testing, customer interviews, and expert opinions – to ensure a comprehensive perspective.

Looking Forward

Continuous Improvement

  • Dynamic Process: Our methods and processes continually evolve. We are committed to improving our testing and review process to provide the most accurate and beneficial information to our audience.

Feedback and Suggestions

  • Community Engagement: We value and actively seek feedback from our readers and manufacturers. This input is crucial in refining our approach and ensuring it meets the evolving needs and expectations of our community.


At Kids Beds UK, we are dedicated to providing thorough, honest, and multifaceted reviews of children’s beds and mattresses. Our approach, which includes extensive online research, personal experiences, market research, and community involvement, is designed to guide you to the best choices for your family. We strive for transparency, integrity, and inclusivity in every review, ensuring you can rely on our recommendations for your child’s comfort, safety, and wellbeing.

Kids Beds UK