Cabins Beds: beautiful and functional Top Picks For 2023

A cabin bed is a great way to save space in your child’s bedroom. A beautiful and functional piece of furniture, it also doubles as storage for the many things that go with childhood – toys, books, and clothes! There are so many types of cabin beds available – from cabin beds with simple storage to cabin beds with a desk area for homework.

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Cabin bed guide & advice

What are cabin beds?

Cabin beds are typically an all-in-one bed and storage unit, with drawers, shelves, and sometimes desks built into the frame. For durability, they are typically made of wood or a wood and MDF combination. Cabin beds come in a variety of sizes and configurations to fit any bedroom space.

Benefits of cabin beds

Cabin beds are a great space-saving solution for kids, especially those with smaller bedrooms. They offer plenty of storage, allowing your child to keep their toys and belongings organised and off the floor. Some models even have an integrated desk to provide a dedicated workspace or study area.

Space-Saving Design

Cabin beds are designed to take up a similar amount of space as a traditional single bed, but as they come with built-in storage, they can save valuable floor space by eliminating the need for additional furniture.

Multi-Functional Use

Cabin beds can provide more than just a place to sleep. Many models feature a variety of configurations, such as shelves, drawers, and even desks, that give your child plenty of storage space and a designated workspace for homework or projects.

Factors to Consider When Purchasing a Cabin Bed

Size and Dimensions

When purchasing a cabin bed, be sure to measure your child’s room and pick one that fits their needs and space. Many cabin beds come in a variety of sizes, so you should be able to find one suitable for your child’s bedroom.

Safety Considerations

It is important to check the safety of your cabin bed. Look for one with secure hinges, sturdy ladders, and durable construction. Be sure to read product reviews to ensure that it meets UK standards for durability and stability. Some cabin beds can be high off the floor, so make sure they have raised sides or guardrails.


Choose a cabin bed that is well-made and made from durable materials. Look for one with solid wood construction or one that is a combination of wood and MDF. Also check to ensure the drawers and cupboards are strong and secure, as they will receive most of the use.

Style and Design

Cabin beds come in a wide variety of styles and designs, from traditional to modern. Consider your child’s tastes when picking one out, and look for a bed that will fit in with their style. You can also find cabin beds with a range of colour options, so you can pick one that matches the decor of the room.

Types of Cabin Beds

Cabin beds with storage

Cabin beds with storage are ideal for kids who need extra space to store their toys and belongings. These beds usually feature drawers and shelves built into the frame, giving your child plenty of room for all their things.

Cabin beds with desks

Cabin beds with integrated desks give your child a dedicated workspace in their bedroom. Sometimes the desks are attached, or they can be free-standing.

Low cabin beds

Low cabin beds have a lower frame, making them ideal for younger children or toddlers. These beds usually have less storage and features than a regular cabin bed.

Pricing and Factors that Affect Cabin Bed Prices

Materials Used

The materials used to construct the cabin bed will affect its price. Generally, beds made out of solid wood or soft woods like pine are more expensive than those made from MDF or other composite materials.

Design and Features

The design and features of the cabin bed will also affect its price. Beds with elaborate designs, built-in desks, or extra storage space tend to be more expensive than those with simpler designs.

The size of the bed is another factor that can influence the price. Generally, larger beds cost more than smaller ones.

Brand and Quality

Finally, the brand and quality of the cabin bed will affect its price. Higher-quality products from reputable brands tend to cost more than those from lesser-known brands. As the storage is built into the frame of the bed, it often works out cheaper to buy a cabin bed than to purchase separate storage furniture.


When looking for a cabin bed for your child’s bedroom, it is important to consider the materials used, design features, size, and brand. Depending on your budget and needs, you should be able to find a cabin bed that will suit both you and your child. With careful consideration of all these factors, you can ensure that you get the best value for your money.

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